Dr. Teri Baydar Dr. Teri Baydar

The Emergence of Right-Brain Leadership and a New Economic Paradigm

This shift toward a right-brain, love-conscious paradigm is already influencing how industries evolve, particularly those centered on healing and regeneration. As these new leaders continue to emerge, they will help create a world where business and humanity coexist in harmony, paving the way for a more sustainable and equitable future.

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Dr. Teri Baydar Dr. Teri Baydar

The Power of Love Consciousness to Transform Business Practices

In a world where capitalism often leads to exploitation and environmental degradation, shifting from war consciousness to love consciousness in business can foster significant economic and social changes as well as personal fulfillment. Dr. Teri Baydar’s book "Flip Your Switch” articulates how this transformation can revolutionize the way leaders think and act, promoting sustainability, inclusivity, and genuine human connection.

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Dr. Teri Baydar Dr. Teri Baydar

The Egg Model: Enhancing Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is a cornerstone of personal growth and effective leadership. Yet, it is one of the most challenging skills to cultivate, as it requires deep internal reflection and understanding. Dr. Teri Baydar’s Egg Model, introduced in her book "Flip Your Switch," provides a helpful framework for developing self-awareness by breaking down the self into three distinct personas: the Shell (Professional/Public Persona), the White (Personal Persona), and the Yolk (Private Persona).

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Dr. Teri Baydar Dr. Teri Baydar

Left Brain Lockdown: Understanding and Overcoming It

Left Brain Lockdown is a term used to describe a state where an individual's thinking becomes overly analytical, reductionist, and rigid, dominated by the left hemisphere of the brain. This mode of thinking is characterized by an excessive focus on details, logic, and sequential processes.

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Dr. Teri Baydar Dr. Teri Baydar

Are Economists Killing Us?

The Destructive Consequences of Growth-Obsessed Economics. The dominant economic paradigm of endless growth and profit maximization is wreaking havoc on our planet and society.

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Dr. Teri Baydar Dr. Teri Baydar

Flip Your Switch: A User's Guide to a Whole New Mind

Humanity is at a fundamental fork in the road. The consciousness you choose to embody will determine the nature of the outcomes in your life. The consciousness we choose to collectively embody will determine the future of our planet.

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Dr. Teri Baydar Dr. Teri Baydar

Choices for Humanity: Embracing Love Consciousness

By embracing these practices, individuals and societies can move towards a more balanced state of mind that values both the analytical strengths of the left brain and the relational, empathetic capacities of the right brain. This shift can help mitigate the adversarial tendencies of war consciousness and foster a more compassionate, sustainable, and interconnected world.

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